Samsung Galaxy SmartTag 2 was unveiled earlier this month alongside the Galaxy S23 FE and Galaxy Tab S9 FE series. The smart device is now available for purchase in India. It is offered in two colour options and with certain upgrades and advancements over the preceding Galaxy SmartTag, which was released in 2021. These devices help users keep track of their belongings – valuables, keys, etc. The Galaxy SmartTag 2 comes with not just functional and performance upgrades but also arrives with a design overhaul.
Samsung Galaxy SmartTag 2 price in India
Offered in Black and White colour options, the Galaxy SmartTag 2 is priced at Rs. 2,799 in India. It is available for purchase in the country via the official Samsung online store, Amazon, and offline Samsung retail stores.
Samsung Galaxy SmartTag 2 specifications
The Galaxy SmartTag 2, launched globally on October 11, comes in a new ring-like shape. This tracking device, like Apple’s AirTag, can be used to keep track of your valuable items or even your pets. With the aid of a text message, users can enter their contact details using the new Lost Mode feature. Anyone can scan the Galaxy SmartTag 2 to obtain the owner’s details when they find a misplaced tag, item, or pet. Any mobile device with a web browser and NFC reader can use this service, according to Samsung.
The company also updated the Compass View feature with the SmartTag 2, ensuring an easier direction tracker. Any Galaxy smartphone that supports UWB can access the feature. The SmartThings Find app from Samsung has also been enhanced. Users can now add a shortcut to the app on their smartphone. It includes an improved UI and a map view that fills the entire screen.
The Galaxy SmartTag 2 claims to offer a battery life of up to 700 days in power-saving mode and 500 days in regular mode. Compared to earlier Galaxy SmartTag models, this offers twice as much battery life. It carries an IP67 rating for dust and splash resistance.
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